Masters & Choreographers
"The Combat"
by Raffaello de Banfield
William Dollar
A quite important person in her career, because he provided her the first chance to perform the first roles. Dollar was the first international name who laid his bet on Nora and, inclusively, faced resistances then, as she was too young – 17 years old. Due to the opportunity he provided her, she was nominated Prima Ballerina of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro.
Robert Joffrey
Founding choreographer of the Joffrey Ballet of Nova York. He selected Nora to make part of the ballet “Moves”, which, in turn, makes part of the Joffrey Ballet’s repertoire.
Gerald Arpino
Founding choreographer of the Joffrey Ballet of Nova York.
Jerome Robbins
An US dance icon, his choreographies are in the main ballet companies of the world.
Arthur Mitchell
He created a pas-de-deux especially for Nora and José Moura, with music by Marlos Nobre. Although her contact with him lasted just one year, Mitchell was very important to her development.
Hector Zaraspe
Nora’s teacher at the Joffrey Ballet in New York, Zaraspe was responsible for the invitation to the International Ballet Festival of the City of Colony, in Germany, and for her presentation with "Ballet Spectacular" in Buenos Ayres and Montevideo.
George Skibine
Created the Sheherazade’s choreography especially for Nora – a rare event in the career of any great dancer. Her stay in France for 5 years occurred from this Skibine’s invitation, being, thus, a preponderant figure in her life and career. Nora worked with Skibine in another assemble, also under Robert Hossein’s direction, with the Théâtre Populaire de Reims, under the title "Le Dernier Romantique”, with Jacques Dombrovsky as her partner.
Oscar Araiz
The choreography that Nora performed for the longest time in her career was "Cantabile", a beautiful pas-de-deux by Araiz with music by Samuel Barber, being included in her video “Nora Esteves in foco”. The Brazilian première of "Cantabile" occurred in 1974 in the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. Nora continues performing this pas-de-deux up to present date.
Milko Sparembleck
The Wonderful Mandarin.
Roland Petit
He watched Sheherazade at Théâtre de Paris and, then, invited Nora to be the étoile ballerina of his company. Nora had the privilege to dance with Roland himself his choreographic version to “Coppelia” with Roland himself in the role of Doctor Copelius and Nora as Swanilda.
Ricardo Nunez
Cuban. He met Nora in Paris and invited her to participate of the Season of The Massimo Theater of Palermo, directed by him. Nunez created the pas-de-deux “Per Viola” for Nora, with music by Bruno Maderna. Her partner was Amadeo Amodio, Primo Ballerino of the La Scala in Milan. Nora worked with Ricardo Nunez in classes, for long terms in Paris
Louis Falco
US Choreographer invited by the Ballet Théâtre Contemporain. He assembled “Piaf” with music from singer’s repertoire, where Nora had an outstanding role. This choreography made part of the Brazilian tour of the Company in three capitals: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte.
Ferenc Barbay
Nora had the opportunity to know and work with Ferenc in the Massimo Theater of Palermo, where he assembled for Nora, among other ballets, the “Brazilian Bachianas”.
Desmond Doyle
Ballet Master of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro from 1981 to 1986, with whom she worked during this term, in the Municipal Theater.
Raymond Franchettii
Paris Opera’s Ballet Director. He was Nora’s professor during the five years she lived in France. There, she attended the reputable Franchetti School in Cité Veron. Even when she was out of Paris, she always went back to Paris to have classes with him whenever the tours allowed.
Ivone Meyer
Former Prima Ballerina of the Ballet of the Marquis de Cuevas. Nora attended her classes at Studio Goubé, in Salle Pleyel.
Eugenia Feodorova
Nora worked with Ms. Feodorova at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. The first time she performed “Swan Lake” in 4 acts, was in Eugenia Feodorova’s version, and she has trained this ballet exhaustively with her.
Tatiana Leskova
She was her first teacher, responsible for her technical formation.
Dalal Achcar
Starred Dalal’s versions for the classic pieces “The Nutcracker”, “Don Quixote”, “Amazon Forest” and the solo dance “Dengosa”, which was presented by Nora in Havana and Camaguay.
Heron Nobre
He created two choreographies especially for Nora’s presentation in the Dance Festival of Rio das Ostras (RJ).
Fabio de Mello
He worked with Nora in Ballet Contemporâneo do Rio de Janeiro, of which he was the choreographer and director, and in other events in the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro.
Regina Sauer
She created to Nora the solo “Study No. 10” and the pas-de-deux “Yesterday”.
Denis Gray
Dancing Tragedy – Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro.